College of Education Departments

Educational Leadership and Counseling

Educational Administration Online Program


Why Should I Get a Master’s Degree and Certification in Educational Administration at Texas A&M University-Kingsville? What’s in it for me?

As the state of Texas continues to grow, new schools are opening and administrator retirements are evident. The principal's certificate opens doors to the following diverse roles:
  • All-level principal
  • all-level assistant principal
  • athletic director
  • facilitator
  • director
  • consultant
  • many central office positions
For more than 80 years, Texas A&M University-Kingsville has prepared successful school principals and other leaders. Hundreds of current educational leaders at the forefront of instruction are graduates of our program, which is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

If you are ready to take the first step towards becoming an administrator, don’t wait any longer. Apply now for admission by going to



Master of Science in Educational Administration

Texas A&M University-Kingsville offers an online Master of Science in Educational Administration and a Principal Certification program. There are three routes available under the program and links to the degree plans are listed below:

All three routes require admission to the University through


Admission Requirements

 Degree Only (No Principal Certification)

  • A Bachelor’s Degree with teaching emphasis (or equivalent)
  • A minimum of 2.8 GPA in undergraduate work
  • Background consistent with the Texas Code of Conduct
Degree with Principal Certification
  • A Bachelor’s Degree with teaching emphasis (or equivalent)
  • A minimum of 2.8 GPA in undergraduate work
  • Background consistent with the Texas Code of Conduct
  • Currently hold a valid classroom teaching certificate
Principal Certification Only
  • A Bachelor’s Degree with teaching emphasis (or equivalent)
  • A minimum of 2.8 GPA in undergraduate work
  • Background consistent with the Texas Code of Conduct
  • Currently hold a valid classroom teaching certificate
  • A Master's Degree
  • Two years of creditable teaching experience as a classroom teacher
Additional Requirements for Degree with Principal Certification OR Principal Certification Only
  • the successful completion of a questionnaire and interview with the program co-coordinator for admissions.
  • If successful, then the application is completed to our certification office before registration for classes.

Estimated Time to Completion

Master of Science in Educational Administration

18 months*

Principal Certification Only

1 year*

The estimate could vary as this is dependent upon the individual student and the availability of courses being offered

Prior to enrolling in EDAD 5345 (Principal Internship) students are required to enroll for and pass the state online principal exam with a score of 85% or higher. 
Instructions for enrolling are as follows:
Below is the information for the online practice test. Thank you for your interest in taking the TExES 268: Principal as Instructional Leader practice test. Although a paper-based representative test has not been provided to replace the former exam, you are able to take the Interactive Practice Test online. Before you take any practice test, you should:  
  • Thoroughly review the preparation manual including all practice test questions to better understand the test structure, format, and content.
  • Review any/all of the recommended resources listed on our website.
  • A minimum score is required on the practice test for exam approval. Don’t waste your time jumping into a practice test without any preparation. You’ll risk losing valuable preparation time. Interactive Practice Test ($10): Please follow the link for an online interactive practice test. This test includes access for 120 days, review of results, comprehensive and immediate feedback, pause test and return later feature. A score of 85% or higher is required to qualify for exam approval. If you do not achieve 85% on each section, you will be required to show sufficient evidence of remediation activities. This may require that you purchase additional test preparation resources.
  • Upon completion of the test, please email the score report to Samantha Larue at
  • If you have questions, please contact Ms. Samantha Larue, Certification Specialist, in Rhode Hall 112 or by phone, 361-593-4172.


Superintendent Certification

This program enables students who have an earned master’s degree and principal certification to obtain further certification as a school superintendent.  The focus of this certification is on preparing students to serve in central office and executive leadership positions within Texas public school districts.  Superintendent certification students will be prepared to serve as the chief executive officer of public school districts and to provide effective leadership to the board, community, faculty, staff and students.  Areas of preparation include public school finance, facilities planning, pupil personnel administration, special program administration and others.


Beginning in the fall of 2016 the following policy will apply to all students who have not completed EDAD 5385 (Superintendency Internship): 

Students may take the required courses in any order with the exception that EDAD 5385 (Internship) shall be the last course in which a student enrolls.  In the beginning of the semester prior to enrolling in EDAD 5385 the student shall attend the TExES review session offered through the certification office.  Following the review, the student shall register for the TExES superintendent exam.  Each student shall be required to pass the certification exam prior to enrolling in the final EDAD 5385 (Internship) course.

Admission to the University

All prospective students should access the Graduate Admissions page on the Texas A&M University-Kingsville website for the processes and procedures related to admissions. You may submit your admission application by going to

Admission Requirements

To be accepted into the program, students must have:
  • A Bachelor’s Degree with teaching emphasis (or equivalent)
  • A Master’s Degree and Principal Certification
  • A minimum of 3.0 GPA in graduate work
  • Background consistent with the Texas Code of Conduct

Questions Regarding Admission Status

You may reach out to Graduate Admissions for any questions regarding your application. 

Enrollment in Classes

Once admitted to the university, please contact Dr. Don Jones at ( to develop a certification plan.  Once a certification plan has been filed in the Educational Leadership and Counseling department office, students may register online using Blue and Gold.

EDAD 5352:  Educational Facilities Planning. 3(3-0)

Creative and systematic planning of school facilities focusing on translation of psychological and educational needs into physical form and design. Development of educational specification, survey techniques, space allocation organization and conditioning with relationship to curriculum processes.

EDAD 5381:  Administration of Special Programs. 3(3-0)

Problems in administering and managing special programs in public schools such as vocational and technical education, special education, career education and other special areas.

EDAD 5351:  Staff and Pupil Personnel. 3(3-0)

Principles and practices of administration as it concerns selecting and retaining school personnel and administering the pupil personnel program. Placement, job analysis and evaluation, salaries, fringe benefits, maintenance of morale, collective bargaining and student performance are addressed.

EDAD 5384:  Advanced Problems in the Superintendency. 3(3-0)

Current problems in the school superintendency are studied in depth.

EDAD 5313:  School Finance. 3(3-0)

Theory and practices including federal, state and local levels. Theory and practices in taxing and budgeting with emphasis on Texas system.

EDAD 5385:  Superintendency Internship. 3(3-0)

Practical application of tasks in the area of the superintendent.  


NOTE: Beginning in the fall of 2016 the following policy will apply to all students who have not completed EDAD 5385 (Superintendency Internship):  Students may take the required courses in any order with the exception that EDAD 5385 (Internship) shall be the last course in which a student enrolls.  In the beginning of the semester prior to enrolling in EDAD 5385 the student shall attend the TeXes review session offered through the certification office.  Following the review, the student shall register for the TeXes superintendent exam.  Each student shall be required to pass the certification exam prior to enrolling in the final EDAD 5385 (Internship) course.

Requirements for Successful Certificate Completion and Eligibility:
Click here for a PDF of a summary of eligibility for the standard Principal Certificate

Estimated Time to Completion:

For the Master of Science in Educational Administration: 18 months (the estimate could vary as this is dependent upon the individual student and the availability of courses being offered)

For the certification route: 1 year (the estimate could vary as this is dependent upon the individual student and the availability of courses being offered).



Cost of Attendance

EDAD Masters with Principal Cert - $13,154.10 (6 hrs/semester)

Principal Cert only – $10,075.81 (6 hrs/semester)

Superintendent Cert - $6,577.05 (6 hrs/semester)

(The University reserves the right to change fees upon board approval)

Practice Superintendent and Principal Examination Test Dates for 2023-2024

Practice Superintendent and Principal Examination Test Dates for 2022-2023

Principal Exam
(Online-scheduled through
certification office or in EDAD 5307)
(Offered Fall, Spring and Summer Terms)      

Superintendent Exam
September 28, 2024
February, 2025
June, 2025

8:30am - 3:30pm
8:30am - 3:30pm
8:30am - 3:30pm

Rhode Hall

The TAMUK College of Graduate Studies - This link will take you to the College of Graduate Studies at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.  There you will find vital information pertaining to topics such as: admissions information, graduation, the Masters Thesis Manual, and various deadlines pertaining to the program.

TAMUK Blackboard - This is the University Course Management System (CMS), the place for students to access their courses online.

Dates and Deadlines for the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) - ETS link for students taking the new certification test.

Program Faculty Co-Coordinators

All program coordinators and teaching faculty have either a Ph.D. or Ed.D. They have diverse school leadership backgrounds with experience at all levels. Coordinators may be contacted as needed per their areas of responsibility noted below:

  • Dr. Don Jones: (
    • student advising
    • degree/certification plans
    • comprehensive examinations.