Dr. Veronica Ancona completed her PhD in Plant Pathology at Texas A&M University in 2011. After working for three years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois, she joined the Citrus Center as Faculty member on September 2014. Veronica teaches Advances in Plant Pathology and Introduction to Plant Pathology.
Her current research program focuses on analyzing and developing pest management strategies for exotic plant pathogens and emerging diseases of Citrus. In addition, her program studies potential biological control agents against Phytophthora nicotianae, for control of Gummosis and Phytophthora root rot in Citrus.
Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center
312 N. International Blvd.
Weslaco, TX 78599
Phone: (956) 447-3368
Fax: (956) 969-0649