McNair Symposium

25th McNair & 7th PURS Research Symposium

Nickolas Rodriguez

Hearthstone AI Review: Comparing and Combining Effective Search Algorithms

The area of AI research in Hearthstone has only begun, with no limit in sight for intriguing challenges and improved solutions. By enacting a complete literature review of all current research conducted in Hearthstone, a pattern can be formed based of a clear understanding of what has been done and could be done in future work. Currently, results from all articles read indicated a clear separation in search algorithms implemented and what challenges suit each of them the best. Based off this information, proposals were made that would further the current effort for AI improvement in the digital landscape of Hearthstone. The impact of these new ideas can push our understanding of search algorithms to all new heights when faced up against a new set of challenges. More information on everything discussed will be available in the main bodies of this paper.

Faculty mentor: Dr. David Hicks

Deparment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

Poster presentation

Nickolas Rodriguez