College of Engineering

Institutes & Research

Institutes & Research

Ongoing Research and Education Activities List
External Funded Research Contact Person
NSF CREST Center for Sustainable Water Use (CREST-SWU) Dr. Mahesh Hosur
NSF-HSI: Integrated Pathways of Excellence for Seamless Transition of Engineering Minority Students Dr. Afzel Noore
NSF RET Site: Integrating Data-driven research in Renewable Energy Across Disciplines (I-READ) Dr. Mohammad Hossain
South Texas Navy Pathway Dr. Xue Yang
USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Development Assistance Dr. Hua Li
U.S. Department of Education Minority Science and Engineering Program (MSEIP) REFLEX-ME Dr. Hua Li
U.S.Department of Agriculture -Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (USDA-REEU) Dr. Hua Li
DHS-Cyber Intelligence Minor Program Dr. Mais Nijim
DHS-Graduate Studies in Cyber Intelligence Scholarship Program Dr. Mais Nijim
NASA-MUREP-INCLUDES: Proactive Pathways of Excellence to Engage Minority Students in Aerospace Engineering (PEMS) Dr. Hua Li
U.S. Department of Agriculture Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program: Minority-focused Multi-level Engagement through Research Integrated Team Projects Across Agriculture Disciplines (USDA HSI-MERIT) Dr. Hua Li
U.S. Department of Education Minority Science and Engineering Program: Research, Engagement, Quality Assurance, and Mental Readiness for Remote Learning (USEIP-REAL) Dr. Hua Li
U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Promote sustainable Agriculture Concepts in Education through multidisciplinary research and pedagogical trainings (PACE) Dr. Mohammad Hossain
Minority-engaged Access and Seamless Transition to STEM (MAST-STEM) Dr. Hua Li


List of Institutes and Directors
Institute Director
Institute of Architectural Engineering Heritage (IAEH) Mr. Jim Glusing

Ongoing Research and Education Activities List
Ongoing Research & Education Activities Contact Person
Air Quality and Emission Control Dr. David Ramirez
South Texas Water Center Dr. Jianhong-Jennifer Ren
Security Engineering Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik
Laboratory Based Robotics Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik
HPCC - High Performance Computing Center Dr. Robert Diersing
Sustainability and Simulation Dr. Hua Li and Dr. Kai Jin


  1. Research Experience for Undergraduates
  2. The Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research on Environmental Sustainability in Semi-Arid Coastal Areas (CREST-RESSACA)
  3. Interdisciplinary Seminar Series
  4. Minority-focused Engagement through Research and Innovative Teaching Program(MERIT)
  5. Nanoelectronics
  6. NSF-MRI: Variable Property 3D Printer
  7. NSF-MRI: CNC Micro-Milling Workstation
  8. NIST-Curriculum Innovation through the Integration of Manufacturing

Other Links

Texas A&M University Kingsville - Research