South Texas Navy Pathway
Program Overview
To increase naval awareness among STEM students, instructors have undertaken course redesigns of selected undergraduate and graduate engineering courses within the College of Engineering (CoE) to introduce and strengthen naval relevance in presentations, projects, and applications. In addition, through the Navy pathway program, instructors aim to establish research collaboration with nearby NAS and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) at various levels. The research collaboration will couple TAMUK Engineering faculty members with either NAS engineers or NRL researchers to co-design and co-advise various undergraduate and graduate level research programs, such as senior design, service learning, TAMUK Council for Undergraduate Research (TCUR), master and doctoral thesis.
Program Investigators (PI)
PI: Dr. Xue Yang
Assistant Prof. of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
TEL: 361-593-3486
FAX: 361-593-4026
Co-PI: Dr. Amit Verma
Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
TEL: 361-593-4012
FAX: 361-593-4026
Co-PI: Dr. Hong Zhou
Prof. of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
TEL: 361-593-4314
FAX: 361-593-4026
Co-PI: Dr. Raghu Raj
Research Scientist
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
TEL: 202-767-3662
FAX: 202-767-6276
Co-PI: Dr. Michael Preuss
Executive Director of West Texas Office of Evaluation and Research
West Texas A&M University
TEL: 336-501-1692
This project is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-18-1-2732).

The South Texas Navy Pathway program is in collaboration with our partners from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, and the Kingsville Naval Air Station.
The program is currently adding curriculum changes to undergraduate and graduate courses starting in the Spring 2019 semester. These changes aim to introduce naval relevant applications and course projects to increase naval awareness. Graduate courses have been restructured to provide online course modules. The following courses are currently integrating Navy relevant projects and learning modules.
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Course ID | Course Title | Instructors |
EEEN 3331 | Circuits and Electromagnetic Devices | Xingang Fu |
EEEN 3333 | Linear Systems and Signals | Xingang Fu |
EEEN 4224 | Electrical and Computer Eng. Projects | Lifford McLauchlan |
EEEN 4329 | Communications Engineering | George Toscano |
EEEN 5303 | Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering | Rajab Challo Gahangir Hossain Lifford McLauchlan Amit Verma |
EEEN 5333 | Principles of VLSI Circuit Desing | Reza Nekovei |
EEEN 5342 | Wireless Communications | Taesic Kim |
CSEN 2328 | Data Structures and Algorithms | Maleq Khan |
CSEN 3314 | Database Systems | Ayush Goyal |
CSEN 3330 | Android Mobile Development | David Hicks |
CSEN 4362 | Operating Systems | Gahangir Hossain |
CSEN 4366 | Programming Languages | Zhaohui Wang |
Mechanical Engineering
Course ID | Course Title | Instructors |
MEEN 3344 | Materials Science | Mohammad Hossain |
MEEN 3349 | Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes | Larry Peel |
MEEN 3360 | Engineering Design & Simulation | Shah Allam |
MEEN 4351 | Machine Design | Muhammad Aurangzeb |
MEEN 4385 | Manufacturing of Composites | Larry Peel |
MEEN 5318 | Advanced Dynamics | Hong Zhou |
MEEN 5330 | Continuum Mechanics | Hong Zhou |
To further promote awareness of local NAS and the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the program is conducting outreach within the university, as well as local K-12 schools. Check out the programs facebook page for further information and current outreach projects.
Current and Past Research
A number of both graduate and undergraduate students are beginning research topics with Naval applications this semester.