Contact Information
The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
ENGC 330
MSC 191 Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
Voice: (361) 593-2135
Personal Website:
Research Interests
Green product and sustainable manufacturing
Life cycle assessment
Wind Energy
sigma and quality control -
Decision-making support systems
Engineering Education
Ph.D., Texas Tech. University, Lubbock
B.S., Nankai University, China
Recent Publications
- Francisco Haces-Fernandez, Hua Li, Kai Jin, "Investigation into the Possibility of Extracting Wave Energy from the Texas Coast, International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment", 20(1): 23-41, 2019.
- Hua Li, Kai Jin, Mohamed Abdelrahman, "How to Increase the Impacts of REU Experience in an Interdisciplinary Research-Based REU Site", Proceedings of 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Hua Li, Kai Jin, Yue Zhang, "A Curriculum Innovation Framework to Integrate manufacturing Related Materials and Quality Control Standards into Different Level Engineering Education", Proceedings of 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Ying Chen, Hua Li, Kai Jin, Yousri Elkassabgi, "Investigating the Possibility of Using Different Hub Height Wind Turbines in a Wind Farm", International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 142-150, 2017.
- Yan Xu, Hua Li, Kai Jin, "Resource Management and Decision Support System for Border Patrol", American Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp 80-85, 2017.
- Hua Li, Mary Gonzalez, Mohamed Abdelrahman, Kai Jin, Dynyel Miller, Maria Martinez, "Improve retention rate and recruitment of minority students through enhanced mentoring and summer research programs", Proceedings of 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.
- Hua Li, Kai Jin, Mohamed Abdelrahman, "REU student engagement during and after REU program: a case study comparing individual project with group project", Proceedings of 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.
- Song, Q., Chen, J.M., Ajayi, A., Haces-Fernandez, F., Jin, K., Li, H, "Social Attitudes of College Students Toward Wind Farm Development in South Texas", International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 5(5): 103-110, 2015.
- Ying Chen, Hua Li, Bang He, Pengcheng Wang, Kai Jin, "Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based Innovative Wind Farm Layout Optimization Method", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 105, pp. 1318–1327, 2015.