Department of Environmental Engineering

Message from the Chair
It is my pleasure to welcome you at our Environmental Engineering Department at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. We are one of few stand-alone departments nationwide that offer a comprehensive education in environmental engineering at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels. Our undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://ww.aberg.org. We offer a Fast-Track program with unique opportunities for our highly motivated undergraduate students who want to earn a master’s degree in less time. Our graduate programs have achieved wide recognition with research programs that are the forefront of the environmental engineering technology.
I feel honored to lead this extraordinary department. Please feel free contact us for any additional information.
Dr. David Ramirez
Environmental Engineers design and build municipal water supply systems, industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants, air pollution control systems, solid and municipal waste treatment facilities, and develop and implement watershed and airshed protection management plans and operations. On the video to the right, Analyssa Hernandez, one of our students, recounts her internship experience with NOAA, as well as her time in our department.

Environmental Engineering Career Outlook
According to Fortune magazine, one of the hottest career paths for the next ten years is expected to be in environmental engineering. As part of this increase, the U.S. will begin exporting environmental expertise to overseas markets to sustain this job growth. Environmental engineers will be called upon to develop creative solutions to balance economic growth and ecosystem preservation as coastal and inland development accelerates. The article, "Hot Careers for the Next 10 years" puts the growth rate of demand for environmental engineers (at 54%) even higher than that of information systems managers, software engineers, and systems analysts. Environmental engineers will be expected to prevent problems and introduce new technologies that promote sustainable development as global expansion takes off in the Pacific Rim and elsewhere.
At A&M Kingsville, we offer programs in developing interdisciplinary specialties, as well as in the more traditional areas of Environmental Engineering. Several modern engineering buildings contain environmental laboratories, including a High-Performance Computing Center, state of the art instrumentation for evaluating water and air quality parameters, and workspace for students and faculty.

- Drs. Jianhong (Jennifer) Ren, David Ramirez, Tushar Sinha, Hua Li, and Ari Sherris are awarded $2M from NSF for the project "NRT-HDR: Humanitarian Graduate STEAM Education for Air and Water Resources Solutions in Coastal Communities". Learn more, click link1 and link2
- Undergraduates Alessandra Ruiz, Melissa Bristow, Brandon Alvarado, Mia Reyes, and Matthew Martinez (pictured left) awarded 2nd place overall, 2nd place bench scale, and peer award for their wastewater reuse project at the 33rd WERC Environmental Design Contest; Melissa Bristow named outstanding student - April 2023
- Carolina Kysiak and her multi-disciplinary team awarded 1st place bench scale for their green energy project at the 33rd WERC Environmental Design Contest - April 2023
- Dr. Tushar Sinha shared his thoughts on the local impacts of climate change with Kiii News. Learn more...
- Dr. Adan Rajib awarded $82,531 and $699,020 in research grants from NASA, as well as $332,233 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Services
- Undergraduate Alessandra Ruiz was awarded Best Paper at the American Society of Civil Engineers World Environmental & Water Resources Congress - June 2022
- Dr. Lucy Camacho received Dean's Award for Research Excellence; Muhammed A. Chowdhury received Dean's Outstanding PhD Student Award; Kurtis Kypers received Dean's Outstanding MS Student Award - May 2022
- Senior design team (Itohaosa Isibor, Celeste Garza, and Isaac Estrello) awarded third place at Senior Design Conference - May 2022
- Itohaosa Isibor (Monica) named 2022 Texas A&M University-Kingsville Honors College Distinguished Student Award recipient - April 2022
- Research assistants Alessandra Ruiz and Stella Zheng published two peer-reviewed classroom instructionals under Dr. Adan Rajib - Feb 2022
- Dr. Adnan Rajib receives a $249,968 federal grant from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center for Natural Infrastructure Research.
- Our Department was awarded a $5 million USD grant to establish a Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology for Sustainable Water Use (CREST-SWU).
- Analyssa Hernandez (2020 senior in Environmental Engineering) was selected as the Student Engineer of the Year by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE). She spoke about her undergraduate research on the News First Edition at Channel 3 Learn more...
- US News & World Reports that Environmental Engineer is among the top 6 Best Engineering Jobs. Learn More...