Veterinary Technology

Veterinary Technology Program

Veterinary Technology Program Admission Prerequisites

What are prerequisites?

A prerequisite is a course that requires completion before a student may progress forward in a degree plan.  The prerequisite courses help you have enough background education in certain areas to successfully complete Veterinary Technology (VETT) courses. The majority of the applicants to our program will be TAMUK Sophomores.

Do I have to have all of them completed before I submit my application?

Each new cohort of VETT students will start the spring semester following acceptance. All of the prerequisites must be completed prior to the cohort start date. Prerequisites courses in progress during application may be indicated as such. Applicants with courses in progress may be extended conditional acceptance, with the condition being that those courses are successfully completed by the start of the spring semester of acceptance.

What does successfully completed mean?

Students applying to the Veterinary Technology Program must complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum grade of "C" and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.85.

List of Prerequisite Courses

  • BIOL 1106 General Biology I Lab (1cr.)
  • BIOL 1107 General Biology II Lab (1cr.)
  • BIOL 1306 General Biology I (3cr.)
  • BIOL 1307 General Biology II (3cr.)
  • CHEM 1111 Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1cr.)
  • CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chemistry I (3cr.)
  • COMS 1315 Business & Professional Communication OR COMS 1311 Introduction to Oral Communication (3cr.)
  • ENGL 1301 Rhetoric & Composition I (3cr.)
  • ENGL 1302 Rhetoric & Composition II (3cr.)
  • HIST 1301 American History I (3cr.)
  • HIST 1302 American History II (3cr.)
  • Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (3cr.)
  • MATH 1314 College Algebra (3cr.)
  • POLS 2301 Government & Politics of the U.S. (3cr.)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences elective (3cr.)
  • UNIV 1201 Learning in Global Context (2cr.)
  • VETT 2201 Introduction to Veterinary Technology (2cr.)*
  • VETT 2233 Veterinary Medical Terminology (2cr.)*

*Successful completion of VETT 3301 Introduction to Veterinary Technology will substitute for VETT 2201 and VETT 2233.