Student Opportunities
We pride ourselves on the range of hands-on experiences our students get during their time in the Texas A&M University - Kingsville Veterinary Technology program. After all, patient care is a significant part of being a veterinary technologist.
In Program
Our courses incorporate small animal medicine where the students work with dogs and cats daily. The large animal medicine course puts students in contact with horses, cattle, goats, sheep, and swine. The avian and exotic animal medicine course gets the students up close and personal with small mammals (pocket pets), large mammals, birds, snakes, turtles, and lizards to name a few.
Our program works with the following groups to bring the most to our students:
Kingsville Animal Control
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
National Natural Toxins Research Center
King Ranch®
Texas Sealife Center
Students in the veterinary technology program are required to complete two externships. Total externship experience is a minimum of 480 hours. These externships provide students with real-life experiences before graduation. Students choose their externship site, so it also gives them an opportunity to try different fields within veterinary technology. We encourage students to keep an open mind when choosing externship sites because you never know what type of practice you will fall in love with.
Examples of completed externships:
Equine only practice
Small animal practice
Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
Birmingham Zoo
San Antonio Zoo
Laboratory animal
Mixed animal practice (small and large domestic)
Shelter medicine