99th Legislative Session
Internal Affairs
Chair: Izabelle Hernandez
- Campus-Wide Elections
- Homecoming
- SGA Governing Docs Review
- SGA Gala
- Retreats
- Socials
External Affairs
Chair: Juan Vela
- Texas Legislation Reviews
- Class Giving Society
- Homecoming Parade
- Student Discount Program
Spirits, Traditions, Campus Morale
Chair: Analiya Fleming
- Hog Calls
- Fall Carnival
- Spring Fling
- Tailgates
- Hoof Prints
Academic Affairs
Chair: Jestine Leyba
- Deans' Forum
- President's Roundtable
- Meet with Major offices per semester
Social Justice and Advocacy
Chair: Natalia Marinov
- International Student Issues
- Take Back the Night
- Awareness Weeks/Months
- Heart Chase
- National Concerns
- Food Pantry
Public Relations
Chair: Vacant
- Collage (office, advisors)
- Scrapbook
- Flyers
- Tri-Fold
- Website
- Pictures
- Social Networks