Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Javelina Camp

About Javelina Camp

Javelina Camp believes in welcoming each Freshmen class to the “Javelina Family” by providing a dynamic environment that eases the transition from high school to Texas A&M University—Kingsville.

Javelina Camp Core Values

  • Leadership
  • Dedication
  • Confidence
  • Welcoming

Javelina Camp Goals and Objectives

  • To welcome and bond incoming freshmen to the “Javelina Family” through interaction with current students, staff and alumni.
  • To provide a fun and interactive environment for leadership development, team building, and preparation for campus involvement with future students.
  • To provide an understanding of university traditions and instilling “Javelina Spirit” within the incoming Freshmen class.
  • To generate a student base who embraces and spreads the unified message of “Javelina Spirit” throughout the year within the campus community.
  • To promote the value of the holistic learning environment and college experience provided by Texas A&M University – Kingsville.

What is Javelina Camp?

You are given the opportunity only once in your life to begin your college experience – at Javelina Camp you will begin your college journey even before you walk into your first class.

Group picture of students

 Javelina Camp is a high-intensity four-day experience designed specifically for incoming Freshmen. Students who participate in Javelina Camp learn about the spirited traditions of TAMUK, spend time in small “packs”   centered on bonding and connecting with students in an interactive setting, participate in team competitions, reflect on their personal college goals, and most importantly have fun with other future students.

TRADITIONS: Javelina Spirit is something you might hear often on campus next year. As a Member of a Pack, you are given the most in-depth understanding of what it means to call yourself a Javelina – the traditions and history of our university have set the foundation for you to build the legacies you will leave for future Javelina Generations.

LEADERSHIP: Preparing yourself for the full college experience includes readying yourself for leadership roles both inside and outside of the classroom. Javelina Camp gives students tools to be successful and sets them on a path for an enriching college experience. Come to build your confidence, communication skills, challenge yourself to raise your standards, and continue your journey as a leader of others. College is only a few short years, but others will look to you as a Leader of a Pack for a lifetime.
REFLECTION: While here, you have the chance to REFLECT on what you hope to achieve in the next few years. Through your packs, you are encouraged to think about what you want to accomplish at TAMUK. Someone in your Pack today might be by your side tomorrow creating the next great legacy on campus.

Why should you attend Javelina Camp?

  • You are an incoming freshman to Texas A&M University - Kingsville
  • Meet New Friends
  • High-Energy Activities
  • Create Lifelong Memories
  • Traditions Gone Wild
  • Jumpstart on Campus Life
  • To Have Fun!

Student Testimonials

Swinging on Rope
" I loved it! Becoming friends with everyone in my pack made me feel at home when I started off here at Texas A&M-Kingsville." - Dani Balderas

"Camp taught me a lot about the university and I met great people who helped me prepare for 
my freshman year." - Tarin Baity

"Javelina Camp helped me feel comfortable around campus and feel a part of a family." - Demarcus Kelly

“Javelina Camp helped me meet so many new people and feel accepted for who I was on the inside” -Robert Benavidez
“Javelina Camp gave me lifelong friendships which I would have never gained without the camp experience. The Pack Leaders also taught me how to make my years at TAMUK the best by staying involved and joining organizations.” - Arielle Williams

“I loved Javelina Camp because it helped me to break out of my shell and gave me the opportunity to meet lots of great people.” - Ryan Hinojosa

“The reason why I loved Javelina Camp was because I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people and create unforgettable memories.” - Chelsea Maldonado