Texas A&M University-Kingsville

University Housing and Residence Life

Housing Agreement Process

Thank you for your interest in on campus housing.

Housing for Spring 2024 & Fall 2024 are now live through Blue & Gold.

Virtual 360 Tour of Lucio Hall         Virtual 360 Tour of Lynch Hall   

Virtual 360 Tour of Martin Hall        Virtual 360 Tour of Mesquite Village West

 Incoming, New and Transfer, students can apply for housing by completing these 4 steps:

  • Student must be accepted for admission to the University
  • Submit a copy of your Bacterial Meningitis vaccination* (as mandated by state law) to Student Health & Wellness via MedProctor
  • Visit JNET, find the Campus Resources tab at the top, Find Campus Quick Links on the right side of the page,  and click the Blue & Gold link to apply. Last link on the main menu: University Housing & Residence Life. The application is called: Online Housing Agreement.  If you have a prospective roommate in mind, make sure you have their K# so you can enter it on your agreement.
  • Once you have applied, go back to the Blue & Gold Main Menu and click on the MoneyConnect link to pay your $150 Room Reservation & Damage Deposit. Once you are redirected click the tab at the top of the page labeled Deposit. Make sure to select the Housing deposit and not the Study Abroad deposit. The semester you are applying for (drop downlink) is undergoing construction so please select the option available (even if it is for the wrong term) and we will ensure on our end that the deposit gets applied to the 1st semester you will be living on campus with us.              
*Student Health and Wellness:
Phone Number: 361-593-3991
**You will not be placed in line nor assigned to a room until you are cleared of this requirement by Student Health and Wellness.


Texas A&M University Pharmacy Students will need to submit this agreement to be assigned on campus housing for the academic year.


For TAMUK Housing Cancellations, please select the link below: 

TAMUK Housing Cancellations

Texas A&M University-Kingsville
University Housing & Residence Life
Policy and Procedure for Termination or Suspension of University Housing Agreements Due To Emergency Events

Texas A&M University-Kingsville has instituted a new policy and procedure for the termination or suspension of our University Housing Agreements due to an emergency event. This policy is an addendum to the current University Housing Agreement (and Meal Plan) if applicable.

I. Termination or Suspension of University Housing Agreements Due to Emergency Events

  1. If, at any time during the Term of the University Housing Agreement including Meal Plan if applicable (the “Agreement”), the University determines that closure of Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s residence halls or a residence hall or vacating same (“Closure”) is necessary or advisable due to an emergency; as a result of any governmental order or action; or a Force Majeure event (“Emergency Event”), the University may terminate or suspend the Agreement. Suspension of the Agreement does not extend the Agreement Term.  Upon cessation of the Emergency Event, as determined by the University, the Agreement suspension will cease and the Agreement and all of its terms and conditions continue in full force and effect.
  2. Force Majeure Force Majeure is defined as: 1) acts of God; 2) war; 3) act(s) of terrorism; 4) fires; 5) explosions; 6) natural disasters, to include without limitation, hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes; 7) failure of transportation; 8) strike(s); 9) loss or shortage of transportation facilities; 10) lockout, or commandeering of materials, products, plants or facilities by the government or other order (both federal and state); 11) interruptions by government or court orders (both federal and state); 12) present and future orders of any regulatory body having proper jurisdiction; 13) civil disturbances, to include without limitation, riots, rebellions, and insurrections; 14) epidemic(s), pandemic(s), or other national, state, or regional emergency(ies); and 15) any other cause not enumerated above, but which is beyond the reasonable control of the University and which by the exercise of all reasonable due diligence, the University is unable to overcome. 
  3. Move Out Procedures Due to Required Closure
    1. Upon notification of an Emergency Event that necessitates Closure of the student housing facilities, the student will be required to remove all of the student’s personal property and vacate the room no later than 15 days after notification by the University of such Emergency Event.  The student must move out and return all keys per express checkout procedures, which will be provided to the student in the notification of the Emergency Event sent to the student.
    2. If the student’s personal property is not completely removed from the student’s assigned room by the specified deadline, such personal property will be deemed abandoned.  If there has been abandonment of the student’s personal property in connection with the student’s room, the University may dispose of the student’s personal property.  The student will be given 5 days after the closure of the buildings to retrieve their belongings.
    3. The University is not responsible for loss of or damages to the student’s abandoned personal property. The student is responsible for costs associated with the removal, disposal, and storage of the abandoned personal property as well as the cost of remediating any unsafe, unsanitary, or odiferous condition of the student’s room due to the student’s failure to vacate the student’s room by the specified deadline.
    4. Failure to follow the specified move-out/checkout procedures may result in the denial of a housing charge refund or credit (“Housing Adjustment”) request. The University may, at its sole discretion, issue a credit in lieu of a refund.
    5. The date, upon which the student removes all of the student’s personal property, returns the room key, and vacates the room will constitute the basis for determining compliance with any and all deadlines herein, including but not limited to the amount of the Housing Adjustment, if any.
  4. Housing Adjustment Requests Due to Termination or Suspension of Agreement
    1. If the University terminates or suspends the Agreement due to an Emergency Event, the student must submit a request for a Housing (and Meal Plan if applicable) Adjustment within 15 days of the University’s termination or suspension notice via their housing portal (specific instructions will be provided in the notification of the Emergency Event sent to the student).  Requests for Housing Adjustments submitted via any other method DO NOT comply with this requirement and may result in a denial of or delay in receiving any Housing Adjustment.
    2. Housing Adjustment amounts, if any, will be prorated based upon the time remaining in the Agreement term and the actual date the student’s personal property is completely removed from the room and the key is returned. Note: No Housing Adjustment will be made if the date of termination or suspension of the Agreement occurs after the last day of classes if finals are being given online.
    3. Furthermore, in the event the Agreement is suspended and NOT terminated, monthly payments and/or payment plan payments (“Payments”) may be suspended by the University, at its sole discretion. If the University elects to suspend Payments, Payments will resume upon cessation of the Emergency Event, as determined by University, and the Agreement and all of its terms and conditions continue in full force and effect.  Students will be eligible for a Housing Adjustment, if any, only to the extent that the student’s overall account with the University is settled and results in a credit balance.
    4. Housing Adjustments exclude, without limitation, deposits and other fees or charges associated with the housing agreement.

II. Switching to a Remote-Teaching Environment as A Result of an Emergency Event

  1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Emergency Event results in the University switching to a remote-teaching environment but the University determines not to close any or all student housing facilities and not to suspend or terminate the Agreement, the student may still elect to remove all of the student’s personal property and vacate the room, but in such a case the student will not be entitled to a Housing Adjustment and all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
  2. Furthermore, if the student elects to vacate the premises under these circumstances, the student must submit a contract cancellation request via their housing portal and notify the University Housing & Residence Life Office, or designee, in a timely manner and must follow all specified move-out procedures.

Click Here for a printable version of this Addendum to the Academic Agreement.