Dual Enrollment FAQ
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment is a program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn college credit toward a postsecondary degree at an Institution of Higher Education that will also count as credit toward a high school diploma. Dual Enrollment courses are college courses. Students should understand that the amount of work necessary to succeed in a Dual Enrollment course may be greater than a high school course. In addition, dual enrollment courses become a part of a student's permanent college transcript. Students should check with their high school guidance counselor prior to applying to the Dual Enrollment Program
All high school students that meet the University’s Dual Enrollment admission and testing requirements. Approval from high school counselor, higher education coordinator, and/or principal as well as parent/guardian is required to enroll in dual credit courses.

Submission of application and/or registration form does not guarantee admission to the Dual Enrollment Program and is separate from admission to Texas A&M University-Kingsville as a freshman. Students interested in enrolling at Texas A&M University-Kingsville after high school as an undergraduate student will be required to complete an application on ApplyTexas.org and submit a non-refundable application fee to be considered for undergraduate freshman admission.
If you are interested in applying to the university once you graduate from high school, we have provided a link to our online undergraduate application via ApplyTexas.org: ApplyTexas.org
Texas A&M University - Kingsville is an outstanding university in South Texas and we are certain that you will find a program that is well suited for your career choice. We believe that our university provides an intellectually challenging and nurturing environment in which you can learn and grow. Our faculty, staff, and administration are dedicated to helping each student attain his/her goals. Our university would certainly be enhanced by your presence as an incoming Freshman, and we believe that you would find the years here both rich and productive.
You can also visit our website to learn more about the majors and programs offered at TAMUK:
If you would like to speak to an advisor to learn more about our university and the programs we have to offer, please refer to our online contact list that can be found at: